A car rents for $40 per day plus .20 cents per mile. your budget is $92 daily.What mileage will allow you to stay in budget?


40 + .20x ≤ 92

Solve for x.

How did you get this

To find out the mileage that will allow you to stay within your budget, we need to set up an equation. Let's assume the number of miles you will drive is represented by 'm'.

The cost per day of renting the car is $40, and the cost per mile is $0.20. So, the total cost for renting the car for a day and driving 'm' miles can be calculated using the equation:

Total cost = $40 (rental cost per day) + $0.20 (cost per mile) × m (number of miles driven)

Since your budget is $92, we can set up the following equation to solve for 'm':

$92 ≥ $40 + $0.20m

Now, let's solve the equation:

$92 ≥ $40 + $0.20m

Subtracting $40 from both sides:

$92 - $40 ≥ $0.20m

$52 ≥ $0.20m

Dividing both sides by $0.20:

$52 ÷ $0.20 ≥ m

260 ≥ m

Hence, you will need to drive 260 miles or less to stay within your budget of $92 per day.