The world can be divided into West (Occident) and East (Orient). Describe the origins of this division?

Help? I don't know when this happened or how long it took or what happened?

The division of the world into the West (Occident) and the East (Orient) can be traced back to historical and cultural factors that developed over centuries. While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact moment when this division took place, there are several key events and processes that contributed to its formation. Here are some important factors to consider:

1. Ancient Greece and Rome: The roots of Western civilization can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome. These societies made significant contributions to philosophy, science, literature, and governance, establishing the foundation for later Western thought and culture.

2. Roman Empire's Collapse: Around the 5th century AD, the Western Roman Empire collapsed due to internal conflicts and external invasions. This led to a period known as the Dark Ages in Europe, characterized by a decline in trade, education, and centralized governance.

3. Islamic Golden Age: Meanwhile, the Eastern regions, particularly the Islamic world, experienced a period of intellectual and cultural flourishing known as the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries). During this time, Islamic scholars made significant advances in various fields, including astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.

4. Crusades: Starting in the 11th century, a series of military campaigns known as the Crusades were launched by Western European Christians to recapture the Holy Land (modern-day Israel) from Muslim control. These conflicts intensified divisions between Western and Eastern cultures and religions.

5. Renaissance and Enlightenment: The Renaissance (14th to 17th centuries) and Enlightenment (17th to 18th centuries) in Europe marked a significant intellectual and cultural revival. These movements emphasized reason, individualism, and humanism, further shaping Western thinking.

It's important to note that this division is not strictly geographical but also encompasses cultural, religious, and ideological differences. Moreover, this explanation provides a broad overview, and many other factors contributed to the division between the West and the East. To delve deeper into this topic, I recommend studying the historical events and processes mentioned and exploring the works of historians specializing in this area.