swimsuit discounted 65% on sale for $20.30

0.35x = 20.30

x = 20.3/0.35

x = $58.00


Swimsuit discounted 65% on sale for $20.30. what was the original price?

Dual es la ecuacion

a swimsuit discounted 65% on sale for $20.30.

cool 58


Could you explain that a little more?

To calculate the original price of the swimsuit before the discount, you can use the following formula:

Original price = Sale price / (1 - Discount %)

Given that the swimsuit is on sale for $20.30 and has a discount of 65%, we can plug these values into the formula:

Original price = $20.30 / (1 - 65%)

To convert the discount percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100:

Original price = $20.30 / (1 - 0.65)


Original price = $20.30 / 0.35
Original price = $58

Therefore, the original price of the swimsuit before the discount was $58.