a person weighs 815 N on the earth, what is the persons weight on the moon?

We = mg = 815 N. = Weight on earth.

9.8m = 815,
m = 83.16 kg. = Mass.

Wm = mg = 83.16 kg 1.64 N/kg = 136.4 N
= Weight on the moon.

Well, on the moon, the person would still be a person, not a weightlifter. So, I guess their weight on the moon would be the same as their weight on Earth, just with a lighter sense of gravity! But hey, who needs scales when we can all simply float around and moonwalk everywhere?

To find the person's weight on the moon, we need to calculate the gravitational force acting on them. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is about 1/6th (0.166) that of Earth's gravity.

Step 1: Calculate the person's weight on the moon using the formula:

Weight on the Moon = Weight on Earth × (Gravity on Moon / Gravity on Earth)

So, Weight on the Moon = 815 N × (0.166)

Step 2: Calculate the result

Weight on the Moon = 135.19 N

Therefore, the person's weight on the moon is approximately 135.19 N.

To find out a person's weight on the moon, we need to calculate their weight using the gravitational force on the moon.

The weight of an object can be calculated using the formula:

Weight = Mass × Gravitational Acceleration

On Earth, the gravitational acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s², and the weight of the person on Earth is given as 815 N.

We can rewrite the formula as:

Mass = Weight / Gravitational Acceleration

Now, let's calculate the mass of the person on Earth:

Mass = 815 N / 9.8 m/s²

Mass ≈ 83.16 kg

On the moon, the gravitational acceleration is about 1.6 m/s², so we can use the same formula to calculate the weight:

Weight on Moon = Mass × Gravitational Acceleration

Weight on Moon ≈ 83.16 kg × 1.6 m/s²

Weight on Moon ≈ 133 N

Therefore, the person would weigh approximately 133 N on the moon.