Do you think there is a correlation between CEO salaries and the degree of success of a company? If you were to take a sample of companies with comparable size, market capitalization, and product category, and plot CEO salaries against the net profit of their respective companies, do you expect to find a linear correlation between the two? Explain.

To determine if there is a correlation between CEO salaries and the degree of success of a company, you can indeed conduct a comparative analysis by collecting data on CEO salaries and the net profit of companies. The steps you can take to analyze the correlation are as follows:

1. Define your sample: Start by selecting a representative sample of companies that are similar in terms of size, market capitalization, and product category. This will help ensure that the comparison is fair and that you are evaluating companies operating under similar circumstances.

2. Gather data: Collect the CEO salaries and the net profit of each company in your sample. CEO salaries can usually be found in public filings, annual reports, or reputable salary databases. Net profit can be obtained from the company's financial statements or reports.

3. Plot the data: Create a scatter plot with CEO salaries on the x-axis and net profit on the y-axis. Each data point represents a company in your sample.

4. Analyze the correlation: Once the data is plotted, you can visually inspect the scatter plot to see if there is any relationship between CEO salaries and net profit. If a linear correlation exists, you would expect to see a trend where as net profit increases, so does the CEO salary.

5. Calculate correlation coefficient: To quantify the strength and direction of the linear relationship, you can calculate the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to +1, with 0 indicating no correlation, negative values indicating an inverse relationship, and positive values indicating a positive relationship.

It is important to note that while this analysis can provide insights into the potential correlation between CEO salaries and the degree of company success, it might not capture all the factors that impact a company's profitability. Other factors such as industry dynamics, market conditions, and internal company strategies may also play a significant role in determining the success of a company.