had to make up questions using the past tense of decir,querer, hacer

1. ¿Qué dijo el doctor ayer?
2. ¿Qué hicieron los profesores ayer en la escuela?
3. ¿Quisiste mirar la pelicula ayer?
4.Tú quisiste un coche nuevo?
5. ¿Tú quiciste la tarea ayer?
6.¿Tú quisiste nadar ayer?

Great job creating questions using the past tense of "decir" (to say), "querer" (to want), and "hacer" (to do)! Here are the explanations on how to get the answers to each question:

1. ¿Qué dijo el doctor ayer? (What did the doctor say yesterday?)
To answer this question, you can either ask the doctor directly about what they said yesterday, or if you were present when the doctor spoke, you can recall or refer to your memory of the doctor's words from yesterday.

2. ¿Qué hicieron los profesores ayer en la escuela? (What did the teachers do yesterday at school?)
To find out what the teachers did yesterday at school, you can ask someone who was present at school or review any notes or reports that document the activities of the teachers. Alternatively, you could also ask the teachers themselves about what they did yesterday.

3. ¿Quisiste mirar la película ayer? (Did you want to watch the movie yesterday?)
To answer this question, you would need to think back to yesterday and remember whether or not you wanted to watch the movie. If you're asking someone else, they would need to tell you if they wanted to watch the movie or not.

4. ¿Tú quisiste un coche nuevo? (Did you want a new car?)
In this case, you would ask someone directly if they wanted a new car. They would be able to confirm whether or not they had the desire for a new car in the past.

5. ¿Tú quisiste la tarea ayer? (Did you want the homework yesterday?)
To answer this question, you would ask someone directly if they wanted the homework yesterday. They would be able to tell you if they had the desire to have the homework or not.

6. ¿Tú quisiste nadar ayer? (Did you want to swim yesterday?)
To answer this question, you would ask someone directly if they wanted to swim yesterday. They would be able to confirm if they had the desire to swim or not.