I had to make up questions using the past tense of decir,querer, hacer

1. ¿Qué dijo el doctor ayer?
2. ¿Qué hicieron los profesores ayer en la escuela?
3. ¿Quisiste mirar la pelicula ayer?
4.Tú quisiste un coche nuevo?
5. ¿Hiciste la tarea ayer?
6.¿Quisiste nadar ayer?

Great job making up questions using the past tense of "decir" (to say), "querer" (to want), and "hacer" (to do/make)! Let's now go through each question and explain how to form them in the past tense.

1. ¿Qué dijo el doctor ayer?
To form this question in the past tense, we conjugate the verb "decir" to "dijo" for the third person singular form (él/ella/usted) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "el doctor" (the doctor) before the verb. Finally, we add the time reference "ayer" (yesterday) to specify when it happened. So, in order to ask this question, we follow the pattern: subject + conjugated verb + time reference.
To get the answer, we would need to know what the doctor said yesterday.

2. ¿Qué hicieron los profesores ayer en la escuela?
In this question, we want to know what the teachers did yesterday at school. We conjugate the verb "hacer" to "hicieron" for the third person plural form (ellos/ellas/ustedes) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "los profesores" (the teachers) before the verb, and the time reference "ayer" after the verb. So, the pattern is: subject + conjugated verb + time reference.
To get the answer, we would need information about what the teachers did at school yesterday.

3. ¿Quisiste mirar la pelicula ayer?
In this question, we are asking if the person (you) wanted to watch a movie yesterday. We conjugate the verb "querer" to "quisiste" for the second person singular form (tú) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "tú" (you) before the verb, and the time reference "ayer" after the verb. So, the pattern is: subject + conjugated verb + time reference.
To get the answer, we would need to know if the person wanted to watch the movie yesterday.

4. ¿Tú quisiste un coche nuevo?
In this question, we are asking if you wanted a new car. We conjugate the verb "querer" to "quisiste" for the second person singular form (tú) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "tú" (you) before the verb. So, the pattern is: subject + conjugated verb.
To get the answer, we would need to know if you wanted a new car.

5. ¿Hiciste la tarea ayer?
Here, we are asking if you did the homework yesterday. We conjugate the verb "hacer" to "hiciste" for the second person singular form (tú) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "tú" (you) before the verb, and the time reference "ayer" after the verb. So, the pattern is: subject + conjugated verb + time reference.
To get the answer, we would need to know if you did the homework yesterday.

6.¿Quisiste nadar ayer?
In this question, we want to know if you wanted to swim yesterday. We conjugate the verb "querer" to "quisiste" for the second person singular form (tú) in the past tense. Then, we add the subject "tú" (you) before the verb, and the time reference "ayer" after the verb. So, the pattern is: subject + conjugated verb + time reference.
To get the answer, we would need to know if you wanted to swim yesterday.