Evaluate: 2m^2-(n-p) when m=3, n=-2, p=-4

Just substitute the assigned numbers for letters.

n - p = -2 -(-4) = -2 + 4 = 2
m^2 = 9

So, what is (2*9) - 2 ?


That is correct :-)

Have fun with algebra!

To evaluate the expression 2m^2 - (n - p) when m = 3, n = -2, and p = -4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the given values for m, n, and p into the expression.

2(3)^2 - (-2 - (-4))

Step 2: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses first.

2(3)^2 - (-2 + 4)

Step 3: Continue simplifying by evaluating the exponent.

2(9) - (-2 + 4)

Step 4: Perform the operations inside each set of parentheses.

18 - (2)

Step 5: Evaluate the subtraction.

18 - 2 = 16

Therefore, 2m^2 - (n - p) evaluates to 16 when m = 3, n = -2, and p = -4.