Lecture, desks, class hours, and writing boards are all part of the class:

C)social situation

The term mana is best defined as:
a)a member of hierarchy of priests
b)the implements used in magical ceremonies
c)a supernatural impersonal force
d)a ritual of intensification

Gods cross-culturally have all but one of these attributes
They are:
a)more powerful than people
b)are anthropomorphic
d)often ancestral to people



Lecture, desks, class hours, and writing boards are all part of the class:

e) role. Because we all know that without a desk and some writing boards, the class would just be a bunch of people standing awkwardly in a room.

The term mana is best defined as:

c) a supernatural impersonal force. Some people think it's like that feeling you get when you open a bag of potato chips and realize there's way more chips in there than you thought.

Gods cross-culturally have all but one of these attributes. They are:

c) forgiving. Let's face it, if gods were forgiving, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in right now. Just saying.

To determine the correct answer for each question, we will break down the options and analyze the concepts involved.

1) Lecture, desks, class hours, and writing boards are all part of the class. Which term best describes this situation?
This question pertains to the components of a classroom setting. Let's examine the options:
a) Stratification: This term refers to the hierarchical division of society based on social and economic factors and does not directly relate to a classroom setting.
b) Rank: Rank refers to the relative position or status of something or someone in comparison to others, but it is not directly related to a classroom situation.
c) Social situation: This term refers to the conditions and circumstances in which individuals function socially. While it is broader in scope, it may apply to a classroom setting.
d) Status: Status refers to one's social or professional position or the standing of something within a society. This term is relevant to the concept being discussed.
e) Role: Role refers to the expected behavior, duties, and responsibilities associated with a particular position or social identity within a group. While it is somewhat relevant to a classroom setting, it does not fully capture the specific components mentioned.

Considering the given options, the most appropriate answer for this question would be d) status, as it encompasses the idea of the position or standing of elements like lecture, desks, class hours, and writing boards within a classroom context.

2) The term mana is best defined as:
Mana is a concept originating from Polynesian cultures and refers to a supernatural or divine essence or power. Let's assess the options:
a) A member of a hierarchy of priests: This option describes a specific role within a religious or social structure, but it is not the definition of mana.
b) The implements used in magical ceremonies: This option refers to objects or tools utilized in rituals, but it does not capture the true meaning of mana.
c) A supernatural impersonal force: This option aligns with the correct definition. Mana is often understood as an intangible, supernatural force.
d) A ritual of intensification: While rituals may involve the expression or channeling of mana, this option focuses more on the act itself rather than the essence of mana.

Considering the given options, the most accurate description of mana would be c) a supernatural impersonal force.

3) Gods cross-culturally have all but one of these attributes. They are:
Here, we are exploring the common attributes of gods across different cultures. Let's review the options:
a) More powerful than people: This is a widely recognized attribute of gods and their elevated status in comparison to humans.
b) Anthropomorphic: This attribute refers to gods taking on human-like characteristics and forms, which is commonly found across various cultures.
c) Forgiving: This attribute varies across cultures and belief systems; some gods are forgiving, while others are not. Not all gods possess this attribute universally.
d) Often ancestral to people: This attribute may apply in particular cultures where the gods are believed to have familial connections to human lineages.

With the given options, the attribute gods typically do not possess is c) forgiving, as it can vary greatly depending on the cultural context and specific religious beliefs surrounding particular gods.

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