Monica has 8 more 3 times the number of marbles Regina has. If Regina has r marbles, how many does Monica have?

__________ marbles

If Regina has 12 marbles , how many dies Monica have?

________ marbles


3r + 8 marbles.

Insert value for r.


To find out how many marbles Monica has, we first need to understand the relationship between the number of marbles Monica and Regina have.

The problem states that Monica has 8 more than 3 times the number of marbles Regina has. Let's assign a variable to represent the number of marbles Regina has. We can call it "r."

So, if Regina has r marbles, we can express Monica's number of marbles as 3r + 8.

Now, let's solve the first part of the problem where Regina has 12 marbles.

Replace "r" in the expression 3r + 8 with the value of 12:
Monica's marbles = 3 * 12 + 8
Monica's marbles = 36 + 8
Monica's marbles = 44 marbles

Therefore, if Regina has 12 marbles, Monica would have 44 marbles.

To solve the second part of the problem, please substitute "r" with the given number of marbles for Regina and evaluate the expression using the same steps outlined above.