Trisha is t years old.If Kyle is 3 years younger than Trisha, then Kyle is

___________years old

Damien has d DVDS. If Nadia has half as many as DVDS as Damien, then Nadia has _______ DVDS

please help

I think the answer is t-3 and d/2 ? Am I Right Please Help!

Looks good!

Trisha is t years old.If kyle is 3 years yonger than Trisha,then Kyle is

To find the age of Kyle, we need to subtract 3 years from Trisha's age.

Kyle's age = Trisha's age - 3 years

Now, we can substitute t for Trisha's age:

Kyle's age = t - 3 years

So, Kyle is t - 3 years old.

To find the number of DVDs Nadia has, we need to take half of the number of DVDs Damien has.

Nadia's DVDs = Half of Damien's DVDs

Now, we can substitute d for Damien's DVDs:

Nadia's DVDs = d/2

So, Nadia has d/2 DVDs.