You can find the total number of different 4-digit numbers of choices for each digit (9) to the number of digits (4), or 9 to the 4th power.

Based on this pattern, how many different 5-digit numbers could you make from the digits 1 through 8?

To find the total number of different 5-digit numbers that can be made from the digits 1 through 8, we can follow a similar approach as before.

The number of choices for each digit is 8 (since we have digits 1 through 8), and the number of digits is 5 (since we want to create a 5-digit number).

So, we need to calculate 8 raised to the power of 5, or 8^5.

To do this calculation, you can use a calculator or use programming code to compute the result. For example, in Python, you can use the exponentiation operator (**).

Here's an example code snippet in Python:

result = 8 ** 5

Executing this code will give you the total number of different 5-digit numbers that can be made from the digits 1 through 8.