3. Which one of the following sentences contains a collective noun?

[A. The legislature met in secret session.]
B. The quality of mercy is not strained.
C. Listen, my children, and you shall hear.
D. Who among you is a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker?is my answer correct

The legistlature met in secret session

Yes, you are right.

Your answer is correct! The sentence that contains a collective noun is option D: "Who among you is a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker?" In this sentence, the collective noun is "baker," which refers to a group or collection of people who are bakers. To identify collective nouns, you can look for words that represent a group or collection of individuals, such as team, class, family, or committee. In this case, "baker" represents a group of people with a particular occupation. Well done!