which writer satirized the narrow minded complacency and dullness of small town America, in their book main street? a. Hemingway. b. Fitzgernald. c. Elliot. or d. Lewis


c Elliot

Lewis - Just look up who wrote the book

The correct answer is d. Lewis, Sinclair Lewis.

To find the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the question and identifying the key elements. In this case, the question is asking about the writer who satirized the narrow-minded complacency and dullness of small-town America in a book called "Main Street." The key elements to focus on are the book title and the theme being satirized.

2. Next, utilize your search engine of choice. Type in relevant keywords, such as "Main Street book author satirize small town America." This will help you find resources that might contain the information you need.

3. Look for credible sources such as literary websites, academic resources, or reputable book reviews. These sources often offer insights into the themes and contexts of various literary works.

4. Once you find a reliable source that mentions "Main Street" and its author, check if it aligns with the theme mentioned in the question. In this case, you would be looking for a writer who satirized the narrow-minded complacency and dullness of small-town America.

5. Based on your research, you will find that Sinclair Lewis wrote the book "Main Street" and is known for his satirical portrayal of small-town America. This makes him the correct answer to the question.

By following these steps, you can gather the information needed to answer the question accurately.