SinA =0.5


if SinA=1/2, then A must be 30 deg. So what is the cos30? Denke.

To find the value of cos(A) given that sin(A) = 0.5, we can use the Pythagorean identity for trigonometric functions.

The Pythagorean identity states that sin^2(A) + cos^2(A) = 1.

Since we know that sin(A) = 0.5, we can substitute this value into the equation and solve for cos(A).

(0.5)^2 + cos^2(A) = 1

0.25 + cos^2(A) = 1

cos^2(A) = 1 - 0.25

cos^2(A) = 0.75

Taking the square root of both sides,

cos(A) = ±√0.75

Simplifying the square root,

cos(A) = ±√(3/4)

cos(A) = ±√3/√4

cos(A) = ±√3/2

Therefore, cos(A) can be either √3/2 or -√3/2, depending on the quadrant in which angle A lies.