a particular hybrid car travels approximately 288mi on 6 gal of gas. find the amount of gas required for a 912-mi trip

6(912 / 288) = 18.99 = 19 gallons

To find the amount of gas required for a 912-mile trip, we can use the given information about the car's fuel efficiency on a 288-mile trip.

First, let's find the car's fuel efficiency in miles per gallon (MPG). We can do this by dividing the distance traveled (288 miles) by the amount of gas used (6 gallons):

Fuel efficiency = Distance traveled / Amount of gas used
= 288 miles / 6 gallons
= 48 MPG

This means that the car can travel 48 miles on 1 gallon of gas.

Now, let's find the amount of gas required for a 912-mile trip using the fuel efficiency of 48 MPG:

Amount of gas required = Distance to be traveled / Fuel efficiency
= 912 miles / 48 MPG

To calculate this, we divide 912 by 48:

Amount of gas required = 912 miles / 48 MPG
= 19 gallons

So, the amount of gas required for a 912-mile trip is 19 gallons.