who would be considered to be the "first ocean scientist"?

The first ocean scientist is often credited to be Matthew Fontaine Maury, a United States Navy officer and researcher. He is widely recognized as the founder of modern oceanography. Maury's groundbreaking work in the mid-19th century laid the foundation for understanding ocean currents, temperature, and other aspects of marine science.

To find the answer to your question:

1. Use search engines: Perform a search using keywords like "first ocean scientist" or "founder of modern oceanography" to get relevant information.

2. Access reputable sources: Look for reliable sources such as scientific journals, books, or websites of respected institutions specializing in oceanography, marine science, or history. These sources typically provide detailed information on the contributions of various scientists in the field.

3. Consult historical records: You can also refer to historical records related to the development of oceanography. These records may provide insights into the earliest individuals who made significant contributions to the study of the oceans.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.