Could you please check these definitions? Thank you very much in advance.

1) The programme was very good (is "nice" possible?)
An episode is a part of a long TV series.
2) An episode is one of the several parts of a story.
An advert is a short film which presents a product.
3) An advert is a short film to advertise a product.
Viewers are (the?) people who watch a show.
4) A broadcast is when they (not "you") transmit a TV show.
An audience are the people who watch a TV programme.
5) To broadcast means transimitting a TV programme.
6) An advert is a short film on TV that intends to persuade people to buy something.

1. "good" and "nice" are OK, but they say almost nothing. Do you mean "interesting" or "colorful" or "exciting" or what?

2. OK (but I'd never use "advert" -- I'd use "advertisement"!!!)

3. OK (see #2)

4. An audience is ...

5. transmitting

6. OK (see #2)

Certainly! Here's an assessment of the definitions you provided:

1) The phrase "The programme was very good" refers to the quality of a TV show, and it expresses a positive opinion about it. The word "nice" could be an alternative to "good" in this context, as it also implies a positive evaluation.

For the remaining definitions:

2) You accurately defined an episode as one of the several parts of a story, typically used to refer to a segment of a TV series.

3) An advert, short for advertisement, can be defined as a short film or video created to promote or market a product or service.

4) You correctly described a broadcast as the act of transmitting a TV show, typically done by broadcasters or television stations.

5) Broadcast refers to the action of transmitting or airing a TV programme, as you mentioned. It is the process by which the content is made available to viewers.

6) Your definition for an advert is correct; it is a short film shown on TV that aims to persuade people to purchase a particular product or service.

Regarding the usage of articles, it is appropriate to include "the" before "viewers" and "audience" in the given definitions. "Viewers" refers to specific people who are watching a particular show, while "audience" generally denotes the collective group of individuals watching a TV programme.

It's important to note that these definitions can vary in nuance depending on the context or specific industry practices.