If the concentration of a sample is 81.5ng/ul, What is the volume needed to concentrate the sample to get a concentration of 200 ng/ul?

To calculate the volume needed to concentrate the sample, we can use the formula:

Volume 1 × Concentration 1 = Volume 2 × Concentration 2

Volume 1 is the initial volume of the sample
Concentration 1 is the initial concentration of the sample
Volume 2 is the volume needed to achieve the desired concentration
Concentration 2 is the desired concentration

Now, let's substitute the given values into the formula and solve for Volume 2:

Volume 1 × Concentration 1 = Volume 2 × Concentration 2

Volume 2 = (Volume 1 × Concentration 1) / Concentration 2

Volume 1 is not specified in the question
Concentration 1 = 81.5 ng/µl
Concentration 2 = 200 ng/µl

Therefore, we need the value for Volume 1 in order to calculate Volume 2.