Who won the battle between the English and the Welsh ?

the English right?

To determine who won the battle between the English and the Welsh, we need to look for historical records or sources that provide information about the specific battle in question. Here are a few steps you can take to find the answer:

1. Identify the specific battle: Find out the name or details of the battle you are referring to. Knowing the specific battle will help in finding accurate information about it.

2. Research historical sources: Consult reputable historical books, articles, or websites that specialize in the time period and region where the battle took place. Look for primary sources, such as contemporary accounts or official records, as they tend to provide more reliable information.

3. Cross-reference accounts: Different historical sources may provide different perspectives or interpretations of the battle, so it is important to compare and cross-reference multiple accounts to build a balanced understanding of what happened.

4. Analyze the evidence: Once you have gathered multiple accounts and perspectives, analyze the evidence presented by historians or scholars. Look for patterns, consensus, or majority views to determine the likely outcome of the battle.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a reliable answer to your question about who won the battle between the English and the Welsh.