Ali tosses 3 number cubes,and then multiplies the results using the formula a x(bxc)and (axb)x c.

Which property of multiplication does Ali use?

a(Associative Property Of Multiplication
b(Commutative Property Of Multiplication
c(Distributive Property Of Multiplication
d(Identity Property Of Multiplication

NOTE:x means multiplication

why is she tossing cubes

Ali uses the Associative Property of Multiplication.

To understand this, let's break down the formula that Ali uses: a x (b x c) and (a x b) x c.

In the first formula, Ali multiplies the numbers b and c first, and then multiplies the result with number a. This is an example of the Associative Property of Multiplication, which states that the grouping of numbers being multiplied does not affect the result. In other words, no matter how you group the numbers being multiplied, the answer will be the same.

In the second formula, Ali multiplies the numbers a and b first, and then multiplies the result with number c. Again, this is an example of the Associative Property of Multiplication.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) Associative Property of Multiplication.