What is the scientific notation of 200,400


how do you do scientific notation of 200,400

To write a number in scientific notation, you need to represent it in the form of A x 10^B, where A is a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive), and B is an integer representing the power of 10.

To get the scientific notation of 200,400, follow these steps:
1. Identify the first nonzero digit in the number. In this case, it is 2.
2. Count the number of decimal places you need to move the decimal point to the right to obtain a number between 1 and 10. In this case, it would be 5 places to the right. So, 200,400 becomes 2.00400.
3. Write this new number as A x 10^B. The A value will be 2.00400, and the B value will be 5.

Thus, the scientific notation of 200,400 is 2.00400 x 10^5.