10. You have proposed a hypothesis that right-handed (RH) subjects will be superior in spatial analysis compared to left-handed (LH) subjects. Spatial analysis skills are being assessed on a scale which yields scores on a linear numerical scale. Given the following information:

Mean of RH = 85.66 Mean of LH = 89.22 T-value = 6.78 sig. (2-tailed) = .000

Answer the following questions.
a) What are the independent and dependent variables?
b) Is this a paired or independent t-test? 6.78
c) What are your conclusions concerning your hypothesis?
Why have you draw this conclusion?

a) The independent variable in this hypothesis is the handedness of the subjects (right-handed or left-handed). The dependent variable is the spatial analysis skills, measured by scores on a linear numerical scale.

b) This is an independent t-test. An independent t-test is used when the data from two groups are independent of each other and the samples are not related.

c) Based on the given information, we can conclude that there is a significant difference in spatial analysis skills between right-handed (RH) and left-handed (LH) subjects. The T-value of 6.78 suggests a significant difference between the means of the two groups. Additionally, the significance level (sig.) of .000 indicates that this difference is unlikely to have occurred due to chance alone.

This conclusion is drawn because the t-value is large and significant, indicating that the difference in means between the two groups is not likely to be explained by random variation. The p-value (sig.) of .000 indicates a very small probability that the observed difference is due to chance. Therefore, we can confidently reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis, supporting the idea that right-handed subjects are superior in spatial analysis compared to left-handed subjects.