a recent study suggests that the mean maximum temperature for the month of december in nyc is different from 41 degrees F. provide the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.

Ho: mean = 41

Ha: mean ≠ 41

To assess whether the mean maximum temperature in NYC for the month of December is different from 41 degrees Fahrenheit, we can frame the null and alternative hypotheses for a hypothesis test.

Null Hypothesis (H0): The mean maximum temperature for the month of December in NYC is equal to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): The mean maximum temperature for the month of December in NYC is different from 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

To gather data and perform a hypothesis test to analyze these hypotheses, you would need a sample of maximum temperatures recorded for the month of December in NYC. By comparing the sample mean to the hypothetical population mean of 41 degrees Fahrenheit, you can determine if there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis.