ocus of the Research Paper

Carefully review the scenario below:

Susan and Molly, employees in a busy call center, are chatting at lunch. Between bites of fried chicken, French fries, high calorie soda, and a tiny salad, Susan begins to complain to Molly that she can’t seem to lose weight and that she is tired all of the time. They chat a little more about diets, and don’t seem to pay much attention to the fact that they are past their lunch time.

A few minutes later, Susan tells Molly that she doesn’t like their coworker, Karishima, because she can’t understand half of what she says due to her accent. Molly agrees with Susan, and they both begin to laugh about Karishima’s clothing, and how it is so different. They don’t seem to notice Joy, who is seated directly behind Susan and Molly and is overhearing their entire conversation. Joy becomes increasingly upset about their comments and wants to intervene, but she does not know how to go about it.

Finally, Joy had heard enough. She gets up from her seat and marches out of the lunchroom, a grim look on her face and teeth clenched. She barely misses running into Dan, who thought to himself after taking a look at Joy’s face, “Joy really looks stressed out! This job is really getting to her”.

As he enters the lunchroom, Dan realizes that Susan and Molly are still seated, and it is past the end of their lunchtime. Since Molly is Dan’s backup, he knows that she needs to be at her desk. Dan walks up to Molly and says, “I need for you to get back to work so that I can eat my lunch.” Molly looks up at him and says, “I’ll do what I want. You aren’t my boss and you can’t tell me what to do.” Molly returns to chatting with Susan. Dan is visibly upset, and turns around to find Mr. Davis, his supervisor, so that he can tell him what happened.

In the meantime, Mr. Davis, the floor supervisor, is reviewing the low productivity levels of his monthly employee report. He knows that he needs to do something to enhance his team’s performance, but isn’t sure what it is. He briefly thought about a company picnic, but the last time he had picked a group of people to coordinate one, they couldn’t decide when or where to have it, or even what kind of food to have!

Thoroughly evaluate the scenario to identify at least six underlying issues from the bulleted list that appear to be driving the described behaviors.
Resolving workplace conflict
Reducing stress
Handling individual differences
Reducing barriers to verbal and nonverbal communication
Motivating employees
Promoting cultural diversity
Solving problems
Promoting personal wellness
Achieving successful group activities
Motivating a team
Promoting group decision making
Reducing barriers to communication
Apply a minimum of two strategies learned in the course to resolve each of the identified the issues.
Provide at least one theoretical basis for each of the strategies.
Explain the cultural diversity issues that are involved in the conflict.
Finally, hypothesize the impact of implementing the strategies in the workplace.

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I have a research paper due tonite at mid-nite and need to know if you have previous research on this paper.My son was hospitalized and i have been unable to complete the assignment....

I'm sorry, but I've done no research on this subject. And I'm sure none of the other Jiskha teachers has either.

In addition, we do not do assignments for students.

thank you sorry to have bothered you.

In this scenario, there are several underlying issues that appear to be driving the described behaviors:

1. Resolving workplace conflict: One of the issues is the conflict between Susan, Molly, and Joy. Susan and Molly make derogatory remarks about Karishima's accent and clothing, which upsets Joy. This conflict needs to be addressed and resolved.

Strategy 1: Mediation - A mediator can be brought in to facilitate a conversation between Susan, Molly, and Joy. The mediator can help them understand each other's perspectives, promote empathy, and find a resolution. The theoretical basis for this strategy is based on conflict resolution theories such as the win-win approach, which aims to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Strategy 2: Communication training - Susan, Molly, and Joy can participate in communication training sessions to improve their interpersonal skills. This training can focus on active listening, empathetic communication, and resolving conflicts respectfully. The theoretical basis for this strategy lies in communication theories that emphasize effective communication skills and conflict resolution techniques.

2. Reducing stress: Several individuals in the scenario are experiencing stress, such as Susan feeling tired all the time and Joy becoming increasingly upset. Finding ways to alleviate stress can contribute to a healthier and more productive work environment.

Strategy 1: Implement stress management programs - The company can provide stress management programs and resources for employees. These programs can include techniques like mindfulness exercises, stress-reduction workshops, and encouraging work-life balance. The theoretical basis for this strategy lies in stress management theories that emphasize the importance of relaxation, mindfulness, and self-care.

Strategy 2: Encourage physical activity - The company can promote physical activity by organizing exercise classes during lunch breaks or offering gym memberships to employees. Engaging in physical activity helps reduce stress and boosts overall well-being. The theoretical basis for this strategy comes from research on the benefits of exercise for stress reduction and improving mental health.

3. Handling individual differences and promoting cultural diversity: The conflict between Susan, Molly, and Joy involves cultural differences, with Susan and Molly making derogatory comments about Karishima's accent and clothing.

Strategy 1: Cultural sensitivity training - All employees can undergo cultural sensitivity training to increase awareness and understanding of different cultural backgrounds. This training can promote empathy, respect, and inclusivity. The theoretical basis for this strategy aligns with intercultural communication theories that focus on developing cultural competence and reducing prejudice.

Strategy 2: Diversity initiatives - The company can implement diversity initiatives that encourage and celebrate cultural diversity. This can include diversity awareness campaigns, employee resource groups, and policies promoting multiculturalism. The theoretical basis for this strategy lies in diversity management theories that highlight the benefits of diverse workforces and fostering an inclusive organizational culture.

Implementing these strategies in the workplace can have several positive impacts. Resolving workplace conflict can improve employee morale, collaboration, and overall productivity. Reducing stress can lead to better employee well-being, higher job satisfaction, and lower absenteeism. Handling individual differences and promoting cultural diversity can create a more inclusive and respectful work environment, enhancing teamwork and creativity. Overall, implementing these strategies can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious workplace.