We are poisioning ourselves slowly.

Many towns are putting garbage in landfills.

poisoning and landfills are they main verbs in each of these sentences. I think
landfill would be, how about poisoning?

The main verbs:

poisoning, putting

The word, "landfills" is a noun, the object of the preposition "in."

Thank you

Ms Sue

You're welcome, Jill.

In the given sentences, "poisoning" and "are putting" are the main verbs. Let me break it down for you:

1. "We are poisoning ourselves slowly."
- Main Verb: "are poisoning"
- Subject: "We"

Here, the main verb is "are poisoning," which indicates the action of causing harm or introducing toxins into our bodies. The subject, "We," is the one performing the action.

2. "Many towns are putting garbage in landfills."
- Main Verb: "are putting"
- Subject: "Many towns"

The main verb in this sentence is "are putting," which describes the action of placing or disposing of garbage in landfills. The subject, "Many towns," identifies who is performing the action.

So, you were correct in identifying "landfills" as the main verb in the second sentence. However, in the first sentence, "poisoning" is the main verb, indicating the act of harming oneself slowly.