The average height of members of the high school basketball team is six feet, three inches. Jerry is on the high school basketball team, so Jerry must be taller than six feet.

The argument above is flawed because it confuses

What are your choices?

an average for the individuals hat make up that average

correlation with causation. Just because the average height of members of the high school basketball team is six feet, three inches does not mean that every member of the team is taller than six feet. The argument wrongly assumes that Jerry must be taller than six feet just because he is on the basketball team.

To determine whether Jerry is taller than six feet, we would need more information about his height specifically. One way to find out would be to directly ask Jerry about his height or measure it using a height measuring tool.

It is important to avoid jumping to conclusions based on general trends or average characteristics, as there can always be individual variations that do not conform to the average.