help ...Pt present for suture removal. sutures removed and slight oozing occurs in midsection of wound. wound dressed and pt advised to aply antibaterial cream daily. retn in 4 to 5 days for final check(PF HX/PX SF/MDM...what is the code

You'll need to use your course materials and/or the websites in here. We have no tutors who teach this type of training.

I did using my materials but I get comfuse do I code twice.

Based on the information you provided, it seems like you are describing a patient visit for suture removal with subsequent wound care. In medical coding, the appropriate code for this encounter would be determined by the documentation in the medical record. However, I can help guide you through the process of finding the correct code.

When coding for a medical encounter, we often use the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes to describe the procedures performed or services provided. In this case, we would look for a CPT code related to suture removal and wound care.

1. Start by searching for the CPT code for suture removal. You can use online medical coding resources or refer to a current CPT codebook.
2. Look for a code that specifically describes the removal of sutures. The code may include details such as body location, number of sutures, and type of closure.
3. Once you find the appropriate suture removal code, make a note of it.
4. Next, you would search for the CPT code that best describes the wound dressing and application of antibacterial cream.
5. Look for a code that matches the specific wound care provided, considering factors such as the type of dressing and the frequency of cream application.
6. Take note of the appropriate wound care code as well.
7. Lastly, if there was a follow-up visit scheduled in 4 to 5 days, you may need to find a separate code for that visit to account for the final check.

Remember, the coding process requires careful review of the medical documentation to accurately assign the appropriate codes. It is always recommended to consult an experienced medical coder or use professional coding resources to ensure accuracy and compliance with coding guidelines.