Which of these groups is NOT likely to support Democratic candidates?

a. Lawyers

b. Health care workers

c. Teachers

d. Public sector employee unions

e. Building trades

I would say Building Trades?

To determine which group is NOT likely to support Democratic candidates, we need to understand the typical political leanings of each group. While it is important to note that individual opinions may vary, here is a general overview of the political tendencies of these groups:

a. Lawyers: Lawyers, on average, tend to have a more favorable view towards Democratic candidates due to their alignment with issues such as civil rights, equality, and social justice.

b. Health care workers: Health care workers, including nurses and doctors, have diverse political opinions. However, as healthcare is a prominent issue for Democrats, it is likely that a significant portion of health care workers support Democratic candidates.

c. Teachers: Historically, teachers have had a higher likelihood of supporting Democratic candidates due to their focus on education policies and funding.

d. Public sector employee unions: Generally, public sector employee unions, such as those representing government workers, have a strong history of supporting Democratic candidates. They often seek policies that protect workers' rights and promote labor interests.

e. Building trades: Building trades typically encompass tradespeople in construction, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers. While their political leanings can vary, this group is often associated with more conservative or Republican-leaning views, particularly due to their affiliation with issues such as job creation, infrastructure development, and lower taxes.

Based on these tendencies, the group that is NOT likely to support Democratic candidates would be e. Building trades.