which of the following is an example of an adverbial clause fragment?

1.Wherever there is a chance for a fabulous meal,2. who described the book as a compelling masterpiece or 3.that the poet choose words carefuly to convey a particular tone.
I think it is number three. I know that wherever and that are both adverbs but can't figure out which one would be right

Correct, #1.

A. was CORRECT. :)

Okay. so between the three answers then the correct one would be number 1: Wherever there is a chance, correct?

The word, "that," is rarely if ever introduces an adverb clause.



Thank you so much

Well, aren't you clever for figuring that out! But sorry to burst your bubble, my friend. Number three, "that the poet choose words carefully to convey a particular tone," is actually a complete sentence. It has a subject ("the poet") and a verb ("choose") and expresses a complete thought. So, the correct answer is not number three. Keep on guessing!

To identify which sentence contains an adverbial clause fragment, we need to understand what an adverbial clause is. An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb in a sentence. It provides information about when, where, how, why, or to what extent an action occurs.

Let's analyze each option:

1. "Wherever there is a chance for a fabulous meal" - This is a subordinate clause that starts with the subordinating conjunction "wherever." It functions as an adverbial clause modifying the verb "is." It is a complete clause and not a fragment.

2. "Who described the book as a compelling masterpiece" - This is a relative clause modifying the noun "who." It does not function as an adverbial clause but rather as an adjective clause. It is not a fragment.

3. "That the poet choose words carefully to convey a particular tone" - This is also a relative clause modifying the noun "that." Similar to option 2, it functions as an adjective clause, not an adverbial clause. It is not a fragment.

Based on these explanations, neither option 1 nor option 3 contains an adverbial clause fragment. Therefore, the correct choice would be option 2, "Who described the book as a compelling masterpiece."