which planet increase and decrease like moon

The planet that appears to increase and decrease in size, similar to the moon, is Venus. This phenomenon is known as the "phases of Venus."

To observe this, you need a telescope and some basic knowledge of how to locate planets in the night sky. Here's how you can identify the changing phases of Venus:

1. Find Venus: Look for Venus in the night sky using a stargazing app or a star chart. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and can often be seen shortly after sunset or before sunrise.

2. Observe Venus regularly: Once you locate Venus, observe it consistently over time. Note the date, time, and the phase you observe.

3. Note the phases: Venus goes through phases similar to the moon because it orbits the Sun and not the Earth. As Venus orbits, some parts of it become illuminated by the Sun while other portions remain in shadow. The phases range from a thin crescent to a full circle. When Venus is closest to the Earth, it appears largest and brightest, and as it moves away, it appears smaller.

4. Record and compare: Keep a record of the observed phases of Venus over a period of several weeks or months. You may notice that Venus's size and illumination change over time, just like the moon.

It is important to note that the changes in Venus's apparent size are due to its varying distance from us rather than actual size fluctuations. The phenomenon is a result of our perspective from Earth as we observe Venus orbiting the Sun.