How to pass the SAT's and ACT'S for the John Hopkins Talent Search?

Here are the grade chart.

Awards Ceremony Eligibility Chart
(valid for students who tested by June 30, 2011)
SAT Grade 7 Math >=550 or Critical Reading >=550
ACT Grade 7 Math >=21 or Reading >=22

2011 Grand Ceremony
The Grand Ceremony is for students in grades 7-8 who participated in the 2011 CTY Talent Search, took the SAT or ACT prior to June 30, 2011, and have met or exceeded the required Grand Ceremony scores (see qualifications below). Students from around the world are invited to Johns Hopkins University for a special recognition ceremony where they receive a medal honoring their outstanding academic achievements. The Grand Ceremony will be hosted on November 13, 2011. Eligible students will receive invitations in Fall 2011.
Grand Ceremony Eligibilty Chart
SAT Grade 7 Math >=700 or Critical Reading >=700
ACT Grade 7 Math >=28 or Reading >=31

This information is not useful to you now.

They are posting 2012 soon.

I know but do you know how to pass it so I can at least study for it and pratice.

Concentrate on your present school work. You're a long way from a 99% average!

Also -- concentrate on learning and using your brain.


Bye!!! :)

Sra I'm in 7th grade. This program is gor grades 2-8 to try SAT'S and ACT'S.

To pass the SATs and ACTs for the John Hopkins Talent Search and qualify for the Grand Ceremony, you need to achieve specific scores in either the SAT or ACT exams. Here's how you can meet the eligibility criteria:

For Grade 7 students:

- Math score should be greater than or equal to 550, OR
- Critical Reading score should be greater than or equal to 550

- Math score should be greater than or equal to 21, OR
- Reading score should be greater than or equal to 22

To qualify for the Grand Ceremony:

- Math score should be greater than or equal to 700, OR
- Critical Reading score should be greater than or equal to 700

- Math score should be greater than or equal to 28, OR
- Reading score should be greater than or equal to 31

To pass the exams and achieve these scores, you'll need to prepare effectively. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Familiarize yourself with the test format: Understand the structure, types of questions, and time limits for each section. This will help you manage your time effectively during the exam.

2. Study the content: Review and practice the relevant content for each section of the exam. Use study guides, textbooks, and online resources to strengthen your knowledge in math, critical reading, and other subject areas covered in the tests.

3. Take practice tests: Practice is key to improving your performance. Take several practice tests to get used to the format, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and work on improving your skills in specific areas.

4. Identify your weaknesses: After taking practice tests, analyze your performance and identify areas where you struggled. Focus on improving those weak areas by studying and practicing more questions in those topics.

5. Time management: Practice timing yourself during practice tests to ensure you can complete each section within the allocated time. Time management is crucial for maintaining a steady pace and answering all questions in the given time frame.

6. Seek additional support: If you're struggling with specific topics or need extra guidance, consider seeking help from a tutor, teacher, or online resources. They can provide additional explanations, practice exercises, and strategies to help you improve.

7. Stay consistent and dedicated: Prepare for the exams consistently over time. Set a study schedule and stick to it. Regular practice and review will help you build confidence and improve your performance.

Remember, achieving high scores requires hard work, dedication, and effective preparation. Give yourself ample time to study and practice, and stay motivated throughout the process. Good luck!