If you were one of the new immigrants who arrived in America in the 1880s, it's most likely that you would have been

[ A. Irish and Protestant. ]
B. German and Lutheran.
C. Swedish and Protestant.
D. Italian and Catholic.
is my answer correct

No. You're off base on this one. To begin with, most Irish are and were Catholic.

is it german and lutheran


its B. Irish and Protestant

Italian and catholic

To determine the most likely answer to this question, it's important to understand the historical context. In the 1880s, there was a significant wave of immigration to the United States, particularly from Europe. Many immigrants during this period were escaping economic hardships, political unrest, and religious persecution in their home countries.

In terms of the most likely answer, the largest groups of immigrants during the 1880s were from Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and Italy. The majority of Irish immigrants were indeed Irish and Catholic (not Protestant), so option A is incorrect. German immigrants were predominantly German and Lutheran, making option B incorrect. Swedish immigrants were indeed Swedish and Protestant, so option C is correct. Italian immigrants were Italian and Catholic, making option D also correct.

Therefore, if you were one of the new immigrants who arrived in America in the 1880s, the most likely scenario would be that you were Swedish and Protestant (option C) or Italian and Catholic (option D).