"It all happened for the best," "I would never have left that dreadful job if they had not laid me off," and "Yes, I miss mom's home cooking, but I am going to school and building my future." These are examples of:

a. avoidant coping.

b. problem-focused coping.

c. emotion-focused coping.

d. learned helplessness.

I think it is c but then I thought b might be right. I know it is not a or d.

Since the problem has already been dealt (coped) with, I would agree with C.

To determine the correct answer, let's review the options given:

a. Avoidant coping: This type of coping involves avoiding or denying the stressor instead of dealing with it directly. It usually includes activities such as distraction, suppression of emotions, or substance use to avoid facing the problem.

b. Problem-focused coping: This type of coping involves actively addressing and managing the problem or stressor. It focuses on taking practical steps to reduce or eliminate the stressor itself.

c. Emotion-focused coping: This type of coping focuses on managing emotions and the distress caused by the stressor rather than directly addressing the stressor itself. It involves strategies such as seeking emotional support, venting emotions, or engaging in activities to distract from the negative feelings provoked by the stressor.

d. Learned helplessness: This refers to a psychological state where an individual feels helpless, believing they have no control over the outcome of a situation, even when that control is present. It is a response to repeated negative experiences, often leading to a sense of giving up and not taking active steps to change or improve the situation.

Now, let's analyze the statements provided in the question:

1. "It all happened for the best": This statement suggests a positive outlook, assuming that the outcome of a situation was positive, regardless of the previous circumstances. This does not necessarily align with any of the coping strategies mentioned.

2. "I would never have left that dreadful job if they had not laid me off": This statement implies that the individual is acknowledging a positive outcome (leaving a dreadful job) resulting from a negative event (being laid off). This aligns more with problem-focused coping, as the individual is actively addressing the situation by seeking a new, better job.

3. "Yes, I miss mom's home cooking, but I am going to school and building my future": This statement suggests that the individual acknowledges missing something but focuses on the positive aspects of their choices. It indicates a combination of both problem-focused coping (going to school and building a future) and emotion-focused coping (admitting missing mom's home cooking).

Based on this analysis, the most suitable answer to the question is:

b. problem-focused coping