Jason earns 30 cents for every carrot he sells. He earns an extra $3 for every 30 carrots he sells.How many carrots must he sell in order to earn $555?

0.30(30 carrots) + 3 = amount made on 30 carrots ($12)

555/12 = 46.25 sets of 30 carrots

46.25*30= 1387.5 carrots

so he must sell 1388 carrots to earn $555

To find out how many carrots Jason needs to sell in order to earn $555, we can start by figuring out how much he earns from selling only the carrots.

Jason earns 30 cents for every carrot he sells, which means he earns $0.30 for each carrot.

Let's say he sells x number of carrots. The amount he earns from selling the carrots would be 0.30 * x.

Now, we need to consider the additional earnings he gets for selling a specific number of carrots.

Jason earns an extra $3 for every 30 carrots he sells. So, the number of times he earns this extra amount would be equal to x / 30.

Now, we can calculate the extra earnings he gets by multiplying the number of times he earns the extra amount by the extra amount itself.

The extra earnings would be (x / 30) * $3.

To find the total earnings, we can add the earnings from selling the carrots and the extra earnings.

Total earnings = 0.30 * x + (x / 30) * $3

We need to solve this equation to find the value of x when the total earnings are $555.

0.30 * x + (x / 30) * $3 = $555

Now, we can simplify the equation.

0.30x + (x/30) * 3 = 555

Multiply both sides of the equation by 30 to get rid of the fractions.

9x + x * 3 = 16650

Combine like terms.

9x + 3x = 16650

12x = 16650

Divide both sides of the equation by 12.

x = 1387.5

Therefore, Jason needs to sell 1387.5 carrots in order to earn $555. However, since you can't sell a fraction of a carrot, Jason would need to sell 1388 carrots to reach his earnings goal.