write 16.3 million in standard and scientific notation form ?


16.3 * 10^6

To write 16.3 million in standard and scientific notation form, follow these steps:

Standard Notation:
1. Take the given number, 16.3 million.
2. Multiply it by 10^6, which represents the number of zeros in a million.
16.3 million x 10^6 = 16,300,000

Therefore, 16.3 million in standard notation is 16,300,000.

Scientific Notation:
1. Begin by moving the decimal point after the first non-zero digit in the given number, which is 1.63.
2. Count the number of places the decimal point moved. In this case, it moved six places to the right.
3. Rewrite the number as the product of a number between 1 and 10 (the significant) and a power of 10.
1.63 x 10^6

Therefore, 16.3 million in scientific notation is 1.63 x 10^6.