Hi sue, I need idea on how to answer question. What exactly are they looking. Do I take sides saying how the British ruled?

Here's your original question.

" Write a position paper on how British policies spurred the growth of representative government during the colonial period. American history 1700's. After the French Indian war."

Yes, you take sides. You need to answer this question: How did British policies encourage representative government in the American colonies?

Thank u

You're welcome.

Hello! I'm not Sue, but I'd be happy to help you with your question. When answering a question about how the British ruled, it's important to consider what the question is asking for.

If the question is asking for a factual explanation or an overview of how the British ruled, you can provide a neutral answer by explaining the historical context, events, and policies that characterized British rule. This could include discussing the British Empire, colonization, governance structures, economic impacts, social and cultural influences, and historical events.

However, if the question specifically asks for your opinion or requires you to take sides, then you can choose to support one perspective over the other. In this case, you can take a stance by presenting arguments, evidence, and examples to support your viewpoint. However, it's important to remember to consider both sides of the argument, providing a balanced response.

To answer in a well-informed and thorough manner, consider conducting research on the topic, gathering information from credible sources such as historical texts, scholarly articles, or reputable websites. This will help you provide a comprehensive and accurate answer. Additionally, including different viewpoints or interpretations can make your response more well-rounded and insightful.

In summary, when answering a question about how the British ruled, it's essential to consider the type of question being asked and respond accordingly with either a neutral explanation or a supported opinion backed by evidence and balanced reasoning.