is it possible for people of different masses to have the same power output? Explain

Yes, it is possible for people of different masses to have the same power output. Power output is a measure of how much work or energy is being produced or consumed per unit of time. It is a function of both force and velocity.

To understand why people of different masses can have the same power output, we need to consider the formula for power:

Power = Force x Velocity

Force is the amount of effort exerted, and velocity is the speed at which the work is done. Therefore, power can be achieved by exerting a larger force at a slower velocity or a smaller force at a faster velocity.

Now let's consider two people, A and B, with different masses. Person A has a larger mass, which means they have more inertia and may take more effort to move. Person B has a smaller mass, requiring less effort to move.

If both person A and person B apply the same force but person B moves at a faster velocity, they can achieve the same power output. The smaller mass allows person B to move more rapidly, compensating for the smaller force.

To put it simply, power output is not solely determined by the mass of an individual. It is a combination of both the force applied and the velocity at which the work is done. Therefore, it is possible for people of different masses to have the same power output if they exert different forces or move at different velocities.