I have to make a chart that shows five interests that are affected by public policy decisions. I am not 100% sure on this but could No Child Left Behind, and Environmental safety (like the oil spill that just happened in the gulf)?

Yes, those are affected by public policy decisions.

Yes, No Child Left Behind and environmental safety are indeed examples of public policy decisions that can affect certain interests. To create a chart showing five interests affected by public policy decisions, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify public policy decisions: Make a list of different public policy decisions that impact various areas of society. For example, in addition to No Child Left Behind and environmental safety, you could consider policies related to healthcare, taxes, immigration, or criminal justice.

2. Identify five interests: Choose five specific interests that are affected by public policy decisions. These can be areas of concern, industries, or social groups. For example, you could select education, environmental conservation, healthcare access, economic growth, and civil rights.

3. Link interests to policy decisions: Consider how each of your chosen interests is directly influenced or impacted by the public policy decisions you identified. For instance, No Child Left Behind is a policy that affects the interest of education, while environmental safety measures impact the interest of environmental conservation.

4. Organize the chart: Create a table or chart with columns for the five interests you chose and rows for the different policy decisions. Write the policy decisions in the column headers and the interests in the row headers. Then, fill in the cells of the chart with the specific impacts or effects of each policy decision on each interest.

5. Provide details: For each cell in the chart, provide a description or explanation of how the policy decision affects the corresponding interest. This can include the direct consequences or the broader implications of the decision on the interest at hand.

By following these steps, you can create a clear and organized chart that shows how different public policy decisions affect the five specific interests you have chosen.