The sum of three numbers is 81 and their ratio is 3:7:17. What is the value of the smallest number?

Add up the ratios 3:7:17 to get 27.

Since ratios can be scaled, we can scale the ratios to have a sum of 81 by multiplying the ratios by 3,i.e.
3:7:17 ≡ 9:21:51.
Can you take it from here?

no i need the answer please

Try to add up the three numbers 9,21 and 51 and see what you get.

You're welcome to confirm your answer if you are not sure.

I still need help what do you do after you add them up.

To find the value of the smallest number, we need to first determine the common ratio between the three given numbers.

Let's assume the common ratio is "x". Then, we can express the three numbers as 3x, 7x, and 17x according to their given ratio (3:7:17).

Now, we know that the sum of these three numbers is 81. So, we can set up the equation:

3x + 7x + 17x = 81

Simplifying the equation, we get:

27x = 81

To solve for "x", we divide both sides of the equation by 27:

27x / 27 = 81 / 27

x = 3

Now that we have the value of "x", we can substitute it back into the expressions for the three numbers:

Smallest number = 3x = 3 * 3 = 9

Therefore, the value of the smallest number is 9.