stacy multiplied 5x9 andand said the answer was 44. what two patterns could you use to show that her answer is not correct?

Any number multiplied by 5 ends with either 0 or 5.

The digits of the product of 9 and any other number add up to 9 or a multiple of 9.

To show that Stacy's answer is not correct, we can use two different patterns: multiplication pattern and estimation pattern.

1. Multiplication Pattern:
To verify Stacy's answer of 44, we can use the multiplication pattern. We know that when multiplying two numbers, the resulting product should always be larger than either of the two numbers being multiplied. In this case, we have 5 multiplied by 9. Analyzing the product of the two numbers, we can easily see that 45 is greater than both 5 and 9. Therefore, Stacy's answer of 44 does not match the expected pattern, indicating that it is not correct.

2. Estimation Pattern:
Another way to demonstrate that Stacy's answer is incorrect is by using estimation. We can estimate the approximate product of 5 and 9 and compare it to Stacy's answer of 44. To do this, we can round both numbers to the nearest ten. Rounded to the nearest ten, 5 becomes 10, and 9 becomes 10 as well. Now, if we multiply these rounded numbers (10 x 10), we get the approximate result of 100. Comparing the estimated answer of 100 with Stacy's answer of 44, it is clear that her answer is way off from the estimation. Thus, Stacy's answer is not correct.

By using both the multiplication pattern and the estimation pattern, we can conclude that Stacy's answer of 44 is incorrect when multiplying 5 and 9.