what is most reasonable interval to use for data 18, 45,21,63,42,33


To determine a reasonable interval for the given data set (18, 45, 21, 63, 42, 33), you can start by finding the range, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values.

First, sort the data set in ascending order:
18, 21, 33, 42, 45, 63.

Next, find the maximum and minimum values:
Minimum value: 18
Maximum value: 63

Now, calculate the range:
Range = Maximum value - Minimum value
Range = 63 - 18 = 45

The range of the data set is 45. This means that the data values spread out across a range of 45.

To determine a reasonable interval, you can consider factors such as the number of data points and the desired level of detail. Generally, a smaller interval provides more detail, while a larger interval provides a broader view of the data.

In this case, since the data set is small and the range is 45, you can choose an interval of 5 or 10. These intervals would allow you to capture the variation in the data without losing too much detail.

Therefore, the most reasonable interval to use for the given data set would be either 5 or 10.