Using Proportionality A correlation L cube

How do figure out the average heights and weights for sheep and cows? Also. for Bald Eagles and Canada Geese.

Dairy Cow 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder/weight 500lbs
Bighorn Sheep Shoulder Height: 2.5 to 3.5" 280-300 weight

Canada Goose
length: M 25-45 inches/weight: M 3-13 lbs.

Bald Eagle
length 28–40 in
weight 5.5 and 15 lb

To figure out the average heights and weights for sheep and cows, as well as for bald eagles and Canada geese, you can use proportionality.

Let's first calculate the average height and weight for sheep and cows:

1. Sheep:
The given shoulder heights for Bighorn Sheep range from 2.5 to 3.5 feet, and the corresponding weights range from 280 to 300 lbs. To find the average height and weight, we can use the concept of proportionality, assuming a linear relationship between shoulder height and weight.

- Average shoulder height: (2.5 + 3.5) / 2 = 3 feet
- Average weight: (280 + 300) / 2 = 290 lbs

Therefore, the average height for sheep is 3 feet, and the average weight is 290 lbs.

2. Cows:
Dairy cows have a shoulder height of 5 to 6 feet and weigh around 500 lbs. Again, assuming a linear relationship, we can find the average height and weight.

- Average shoulder height: (5 + 6) / 2 = 5.5 feet
- Average weight: 500 lbs

Therefore, the average height for cows is 5.5 feet, and the average weight is 500 lbs.

Now, let's calculate the average lengths and weights for bald eagles and Canada geese:

3. Canada Goose:
The given lengths for Canada geese range from 25 to 45 inches, while the weights range from 3 to 13 lbs. We will use the same concept of proportionality to find the average length and weight.

- Average length: (25 + 45) / 2 = 35 inches
- Average weight: (3 + 13) / 2 = 8 lbs

Therefore, the average length for Canada geese is 35 inches, and the average weight is 8 lbs.

4. Bald Eagle:
For bald eagles, the given lengths range from 28 to 40 inches, and the weights range from 5.5 to 15 lbs. Applying proportionality, we can calculate the average length and weight.

- Average length: (28 + 40) / 2 = 34 inches
- Average weight: (5.5 + 15) / 2 = 10.25 lbs

Therefore, the average length for bald eagles is 34 inches, and the average weight is 10.25 lbs.

By using the concept of proportionality and averaging the given height and weight ranges, we can determine the average heights and weights for sheep and cows, as well as bald eagles and Canada geese.