What is the Black Death by John Aberth about, I need a summary of it. Can you provide me with a specific link that will help? Thank you

"The Black Death" by John Aberth is a book that explores the devastating plague epidemic that occurred in Europe during the 14th century. While I can't provide a direct link, I can guide you on how to find a summary of the book.

1. Start by searching for the title of the book, "The Black Death" by John Aberth, on a search engine like Google.
2. Look for reputable sources such as book review websites, academic databases, or online book retailers (like Amazon).
3. Click on relevant links that provide information about the book. Book review websites or online book retailers usually have summaries or descriptions of the book.
4. Scan through the summaries to find the one that best fits your requirements.
5. If you need more detailed information, consider looking for book reviews, author interviews, or academic articles related to the book. These sources often provide deeper insights into the content.

Remember to be critical of the sources you come across. It is always a good idea to cross-reference information and check the credibility of the sources you find.