state the primary trigonometric ratio associated with angle a


Just draw a triangle from (0,0) to (-2,5). The hypotenuse h is √41

Let the angle from P to the x-axis be θ

Just plug in your ratios:

sinθ = y/h
cosθ = x/h
tanθ = y/x

To determine the primary trigonometric ratio associated with angle a, we need to know the specific values of the sides of the triangle containing angle a. However, you have provided the coordinates of a point, (-2,5), which is not sufficient to find the ratio. Please provide more information about the triangle or the values of its sides.

To determine the primary trigonometric ratio associated with angle A, the first step is to find the value of angle A. However, the information given, p(-2,5), does not provide any information about the position of angle A.

Could you please provide more information or clarify the context or equation related to angle A? This will help me give you a more accurate answer.