12. Suppose 80% of students finish high school. Of them, 50% finish college. Of them, 20% get a master’s degree. Of them, 30% get a Ph.D.

(i) What percentage of students get a Ph.

80% finish high school

40% finish college
8% get master’s
2.4% get PhD

An atchor shoots with an 85% accurancy rate? What is the prpbability tat he will make at least 4 of the 5 shots?

To determine the percentage of students who get a Ph.D., you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the percentage of students who finish high school (80%).
Step 2: Determine the percentage of students who finish college out of those who finish high school (50%).
Step 3: Determine the percentage of students who get a master's degree out of those who finish college (20%).
Step 4: Determine the percentage of students who get a Ph.D. out of those who get a master's degree (30%).

To calculate the percentage of students who get a Ph.D., you need to multiply the percentages from each step:

Percentage of students who finish high school (80%) ×
Percentage of students who finish college out of those who finish high school (50%) ×
Percentage of students who get a master's degree out of those who finish college (20%) ×
Percentage of students who get a Ph.D. out of those who get a master's degree (30%).

So, the percentage of students who get a Ph.D. can be calculated as:

80% × 50% × 20% × 30% = 0.8 × 0.5 × 0.2 × 0.3 = 0.024 or 2.4%.

Therefore, approximately 2.4% of students get a Ph.D.