draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound selenium chloride.

use x to represent an electron from an atom of selenium.
use o to represent an electron from an atom of chlorine

We can't draw pictures on the board. Here is one I found on the web.


You can put in the xs and os.

To draw a diagram showing the arrangement of valency electrons in one molecule of selenium chloride, we will represent an electron from an atom of selenium with the letter "x" and an electron from an atom of chlorine with the letter "o".

First, let's determine the number of valency electrons for each atom:

- Selenium (Se) is in group 16 of the periodic table, so it has 6 valence electrons.
- Chlorine (Cl) is in group 17 of the periodic table, so it also has 7 valence electrons.

Now, let's draw the diagram:

Se Cl
x o
x x o

In the diagram, we represent the electrons as dots around the symbol of each element. Since selenium (Se) has 6 valence electrons, we place 6 dots (represented as "x") around the symbol "Se". Chlorine (Cl) has 7 valence electrons, so we place 7 dots (represented as "o") around the symbol "Cl".

In the molecule of selenium chloride (SeCl), the selenium atom donates one electron (represented by one "x") to the chlorine atom to form a covalent bond. The covalent bond is represented by a line between the atoms:


Overall, the diagram shows the arrangement of valency electrons in a molecule of selenium chloride.

To create a diagram showing the arrangement of valency electrons in one molecule of selenium chloride, we need to understand the Lewis structure of the compound.

1. Determine the chemical formula: Selenium chloride is composed of one selenium atom (Se) and two chlorine atoms (Cl). The chemical formula is SeCl2.

2. Determine the total number of valence electrons: For selenium, the atomic number is 34, so it has six valence electrons (4s2 4p4). Chlorine has seven valence electrons each, and since there are two chlorine atoms, there are a total of 14 valence electrons for the chlorine atoms (7 × 2 = 14).

3. Calculate the total number of valence electrons: The total valence electrons in SeCl2 can be calculated by summing the valence electrons of selenium and chlorine. 6 valence electrons for selenium + 14 valence electrons for chlorine gives a total of 20 valence electrons (6 + 14 = 20) for the compound.

4. Determine the central atom: In SeCl2, selenium (Se) is the central atom because it is less electronegative than chlorine.

5. Arrange the atoms: Place the selenium atom in the center and the two chlorine atoms on either side of selenium.

6. Connect the atoms using single bonds: Se-Cl and Se-Cl.

7. Distribute remaining electrons around the atoms: Start by placing one electron (represented by an "x") around each atom's symbol. In this case, each chlorine atom has 3 single electrons that need to be accommodated around its symbol. After placing these, we will distribute the remaining electrons around the central selenium atom.

7.1 For the remaining 11 electrons, we will first place them as lone pairs (represented by an "o") on the outer side of the atoms.

7.2 Selenium requires 2 more electrons to complete its octet. Therefore, we will place those two electrons as a lone pair on the central selenium atom, completing its octet.

7.3 Fill the remaining chlorine atoms with lone pairs until they also have an octet.

8. Check octet rule compliance: Ensure that all atoms, apart from hydrogen with just two electrons, have an octet or duet in their outermost shell.

The resulting Lewis structure diagram for one molecule of selenium chloride (SeCl2) would look like this:

Cl Cl
| |
x Se x

Each "x" represents an electron from an atom of selenium, and each "o" represents an electron from an atom of chlorine.