Kenny`s book has 141 pages. He wants to read the same number of pages each day and finish reading the book in seven days. How many pages should he read today ?

Are we supposed to divide in this question?

Divide 141 by 7 for an average of 20.142 pages per day if rounded 21 per day

yes divide 141 by 7

thank you very much i even tried to do it by myself and then got it right since i checked your reference.

Yes, we can solve this question by dividing. Since Kenny wants to read the same number of pages each day, we can divide the total number of pages in the book by the number of days he wants to finish reading the book.

To find out how many pages Kenny needs to read each day, we divide the total number of pages in the book by the number of days he wants to finish reading it.

So, to calculate how many pages Kenny should read today, we divide the total number of pages (141) by the number of days (7):

141 pages รท 7 days = 20 pages

Therefore, Kenny should read 20 pages today in order to finish reading the book in seven days.