I'm writing a argumentative paper on the book How we survived communism and even laughed. Can you give me any advise on how to set up my paper. Any adivis on how to set my paper up or examples of how my thesis should be..

In How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed, Slavenka Drakuliæ says that a women’s view of socialism is “trivial, the ‘ view from below.’ But trivia is political” (xvi). How is this view from below, of everyday life, political?


Go through the process as it's laid out here, step by step.

To set up your argumentative paper on the book "How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed" by Slavenka Drakulić, it's important to start with a clear introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides some context about the book and its themes. You can briefly summarize the book's main premise and explain why it is relevant to your argument.

Next, you should develop your thesis statement, which will serve as the main argument of your paper. In this case, you have already provided a potential thesis statement: "In 'How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed,' Slavenka Drakulić argues that a women's view of socialism is 'trivial, the 'view from below.' But trivia is political.' This paper explores how the view from below, focusing on everyday life, represents a political perspective."

Your thesis statement clearly lays out the main argument you will be focusing on in your paper. It highlights the idea that the seemingly trivial aspects of everyday life for women under communism hold significant political implications, as suggested by Drakulić.

Now, let's break down the structure of your argumentative paper:

1. Introduction:
- Introduce the book and its author, Slavenka Drakulić.
- Provide a brief overview of the book's main themes and its relevance to your argument.
- Present your thesis statement.

2. Background:
- Provide some historical context about the era of communism that the book tackles.
- Highlight any important events, policies, or social dynamics related to this period that will help the reader understand the broader context of your argument.

3. Summary of Drakulić's Perspective:
- Summarize Drakulić's argument about the women's view of socialism being trivial but political.
- Use relevant quotes or examples from the book to support this summary.

4. The Political Significance of the View from Below:
- Expound on the idea of the "view from below" and its political implications.
- Explore how the focus on everyday life experiences can provide unique insights into the political system and its effects.
- Analyze specific examples from the book that demonstrate this perspective and help illustrate the political relevance of seemingly trivial matters.

5. Counterarguments and Refutations:
- Address potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints that might challenge your thesis.
- Present these opposing perspectives and explain why they are not as valid or impactful as the viewpoint you are advocating for.
- Provide evidence and reasoning to refute these counterarguments.

6. Conclusion:
- Recap your main points and restate your thesis.
- Summarize how your argument demonstrates the political significance of the view from below in "How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed."
- End with a thought-provoking closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Remember to use evidence from the book and any additional sources that support your argument throughout your paper. Analyze and interpret the text, and critically engage with the themes and ideas presented by Drakulić. Good luck with your paper!