the consumption of natural gas by a company satisfies the empirical equation V= 1.5t + 0.008t^2 where V is in volume in millions of cubic feet and t is the time in months. rewrite the equation in unit of cubic meter nd seconds. put the proper units on the coefficients. assume a month is 30 days"

To rewrite the equation in terms of cubic meters and seconds, we need to convert the units of volume and time.

V = 1.5t + 0.008t^2 (V in millions of cubic feet, t in months)

Step 1: Convert cubic feet to cubic meters
1 cubic meter (m³) is equal to approximately 0.0283168 cubic feet (ft³).

So, V (in cubic meters) = V (in cubic feet) * 0.0283168.

Substituting this conversion into the equation:
V (in cubic meters) = (1.5t + 0.008t^2) * 0.0283168.

Step 2: Convert months to seconds
Assuming there are 30 days in a month, we can convert months to seconds.

1 month is equal to 30 days, and 1 day is equal to 24 hours, and 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

So, t (in seconds) = t (in months) * (30 days/month) * (24 hours/day) * (60 minutes/hour) * (60 seconds/minute).

Substituting this conversion into the equation:
V (in cubic meters) = (1.5t + 0.008t^2) * 0.0283168, and
t (in seconds) = t (in months) * (30 days/month) * (24 hours/day) * (60 minutes/hour) * (60 seconds/minute).

Now the equation is rewritten in terms of cubic meters and seconds, with the proper units on the coefficients.